Special Offers

Non Refundable

Room Only
Non Refundable Rate

Lisbon tourist tax is not included, from 2 € per person per night up to a maximum of 14 € per person.

Famous Crows Special

Room Only
Best available online rate

Flexible cancellation up to 5 days prior to arrival. This promotion also includes the Pack Famous Crows – Water / Juice, Maria Biscuit, Cereal Bar & Cake (1 Pack per guest on the 1st night).

Belém Special!

Room Only

Gift of a box of the famous "Pasteís de Belém"
For reservations after 8pm, the Pack is delivered on the following day

Available from 2022-01-22 until 2025-01-01

Romantic Pack

Room Only

Includes a Bottle of Wine and Chocolate Candy

For reservations after 8pm, the Pack will only be delivered on the following day.

Available from 2022-01-10 until 2025-01-01